Composite Leading Indicator

Composite Leading Indicator

The Composite Leading Indicator (CLI) is a tool composed of a combination of various economic indicators, such as business sentiment, consumer confidence, and industrial production, which are used to forecast future economic activity. The CLI is normalized to fluctuate around…

Total Nonfarm Employees

Total Nonfarm Employees

The total nonfarm employees and the monthly change of this metric is actually useful in looking at recession risks. In this video we dive into the macroverse to better understand how this metric can be used to identify recessions, and…

Federal Reserve: Upcoming Rate Hikes

Federal Reserve: Upcoming Rate Hikes

The probability of a 50 bps or 75 bps rate hike in November continues to be all over the place. Investors remained somewhat perplexed about just how far the #Fed will go to curb #inflation. In this video we talk…

Do Recessions Always Follow High Inflation?

Do Recessions Always Follow High Inflation?

Do recessions in the United States always follow periods of high inflation? In this video we take a look at prior periods of high inflation to understand what occurred after and its implications on the #stock market. In this video…